Expert in SEO & SEA Localization and Content Creation
(II Edition)

Do you want to become an expert in  marketing translation and SEO localization?

Join María Scheibengraf, David García, Alfonso González, the world's top 3 experts in SEO/SEA localization and copywriting in this ultimate training experience.

These 3 top level professionals have teamed up to bring you the first expert-level course with which you will acquire the skills to rock the marketing translation industry.

SEO localization, SEA, optimization, keywords...

Marketing translation is the field with the highest demand for qualified professionals in the language industry (think of job ads for content writers, translators, SEO specialists, copywriters, localization managers...).

This course will empower you to:
  • offer specialized and highly paid marketing services to your customers,
  • become an SEO/SEA localization expert,
  • optimize your source/target texts for SEO and make them attractive for your target audience,
  • increase your/your customer sales and organic/paid traffic,
  • grow and thrive professionally.

And as David García says, “at the end of the day, translators love working with words, and they can become great SEO content writers.

Don't miss this opportunity

Get your seat for the best expert course on SEO/SEA localization and SEO/SEA content creation.
Acquire the skills
 to succeed in marketing translation by learning how to apply SEO skills to your translations, how to localize SEA content, how to optimize your content for SEO, or how to make SEO analyses.

10 weekdays (in 2 weeks) full of dynamic content delivered in English by the best experts in the industry, with activities with real life examples in 3 languages (French, German, and Spanish), Q&A sessions, and a final day with breakout rooms with the 3 experts to put everything you have learned into practice.

Conditions: Please read our course and subscription plans terms and conditions carefully. With your registration, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted our conditions and agree with them. 

If you have any questions, please visit the FAQ section (for courses or subscription plans) or get in touch with us.
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  • This course includes:
  • Expert coaches:
    - María Scheibengraf, SEO Expert, Author, Translator
    - David García, SEO Translation Expert
    - Alfonso González, SEO Localization Expert
  •  Live activities
  •  Life access to contents 
  • In English with examples in French, German, and Spanish
  •  Completion certificate
  •  Money back guarantee
  • Acquire A-Z SEO/SEA skills for marketing localization 
  • Duration: 20 h aprox. (2 h/day during 2 weeks)
  • Course sponsored by: The Action Sports Translator
María Scheibengraf (days 1, 2 & 3)
David García (days 4, 5 & 6)
Alfonso González (7, 8 & 9)
Come together! (day 10)
18:00-20:00 PM CET (days 1, 2 & 3)

Start falling in love
with SEO 

With María Scheibengraf

Day 1

1.1 SEO: Definition, SERPs, SERP features
1.2 How search engines work, types of SEO
1.3 Ranking factors
1.4 Keywords: Definition, types, search intent

Day 2

2.1 International SEO best practices
2.2 Overview of SEO localisation tools
2.3 Multilingual keyword research
 2.3.1 Research based on source-language keywords 
 2.3.2 Blind keyword research
 2.3.3 Keyword mapping, cannibalisation
2.4 Strategic keyword placement, density, content optimisation

Day 3

3.1 The impact of culture on search marketing
3.2 The typical SEO localisation workflow
3.3 The client brief: structure and samples
3.4 Quoting and project hour estimation strategies
3.5 Standard terms and conditions
18:00-20:00 PM CET

Copywriting from your SEO heart

Day 4

4.1 SEO copywriting: what is it
4.2 Creating copy for people and search engines
4.3 Tools for SEO copywriting
4.4 Can I use an AI writing tool?
4.5 Let’s write together!

Day 5

5.1 SEO pruning/revamping
5.2 When do I need it?
5.3 Tools for SEO pruning/revamping
5.4 Let’s prune/revamp together!

Day 6

6.1 Localisation, transcreation and content creation: what’s the right option for your SEO strategy?
6.2 Using insights from SEO tools
6.3 Choosing the right option
18:00-20:00 PM CET

To SEA or not to SEA, that is the question

Day 7

7.1 Difference between SERP, SEM, SEO, and SEA
7.2 Organic and paid traffic
7.3 Keywords for ads (Positive and negative match types)
7.4 Content and function words
7.5 Difference between organic content and ads on Google
7.6 Recap on SEO content

Day 8

8.1 SEA Google Ads
8.2 Ad Extensions
8.3 Text Ads and Display Ads
8.4 Ads' goals
8.5 Editorial guidelines
8.6 Landing pages
8.7 Future is now: Google Search Generative Experience and AI for SEA creation and localization

Day 9

9.1 Best practices for search ads
9.2 CTAs for ads
9.3 Keywords and synonyms
9.4 Clusters
9.5 Readability
9.6 Voice search
9.7 Inclusivity
9.8 Grammar
9.9 Power words
9.10 Post edition
18:00-20:00 PM CET

Come together, right now, let's practice!

Day 10

Interactive videos, ebooks, assessments, certificates, SCORMs, surveys, and much more.

Course and coaches description

There is only one way to succeed in SEO & SEA localization and content creation: practicing with real life examples and learning from professionals who do it everyday.

The localization of marketing content has become increasingly important in the last few years and anyone who wants to succeed as a marketing translator needs to know how to deal with SEO and SEA localization and how to optimize content for SEO.

María Scheibengraf is a reference in the SEO translation world thanks to her best selling book "The SEO Translation Bible". María will take you on a journey to discover what SEO means, the different parts to take into account on your SEO strategy and SEO localization best practices and workflows.

David García is a renowned SEO consultant that has been providing multilingual SEO services  to companies and professionals since 2015. David will provide us with the skills to create copy that amazes both our readers and Google and teach us how to use the tools to optimize our copy and localized content.

Alfonso González will cover everything you need to know about SEA and how to create and localize impacting and engaging ads using real life examples on which he has worked as a Localization Manager in different companies.

The SEO and SEA Localization Experts

María Scheibengraf
SEO Expert, Author, Translator,
and Crisol Translations Founder
María is an award-winning English-into-Spanish creative translator and content writer specialised in marketing translation and SEO translation for the software industry.
She co-founded Crisol Translation Services in 2016 and is the author of The SEO Translation Bible.
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David García
SEO Translation and
Content Creation Expert
David has been providing multilingual SEO services since 2015.
He helps companies and professionals to optimise their website content for global markets.
David is also the founder of Trust Your Brand, a company specialized in SEO multilingual services, translation and content creation.
Write your awesome label here.
Alfonso González
Senior Localization Manager at Pathwire
and TranslaStars Founder
As the Localization Manager at Pathwire, Alfonso needs to work on SEO and SEA projects on a daily basis. Success in this type of projects means higher profits for the company, brand recognition as the true experts in the industry, and better ranking in search engines.
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