Medical Interpreting: Becoming a Cultural Mediator

Medical interpreting is not only about translating languages. It also involves translating whole cultures!

Each country has its own traditions and cultural codes, which may or may not be shared by another country where the same language is spoken.

As a medical interpreter, you will not only be requested to know your terms of art, but you will also need to act as a bridge between two cultures, a cultural mediator who is able to understand both verbal and non-verbal language!

In this course, we will address the differences between the different cultures, religions, gestures around the world, and so much more, so you can become a professional that doctors and patients rely on without hesitation. 

Conditions: Please read our course and subscription plans terms and conditions carefully. With your registration, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted our conditions and agree with them. 

If you have any questions, please visit the FAQ section (for courses or subscription plans) or get in touch with us.

  • This webinar includes:
  •  Expert panelist: Pilar Moyano, Interpreter and cultural mediator. Former Coordinator of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital Interpreting Service Salud Entre Culturas. 
  •     Activities
  •  Lifetime access to the webinar and extra contents
  •  In English
  •  Certificate of completion
  •  Webinar duration: 120 min (approximately)
  • Downloadable webinar program

Webinar and panellist description

Two gestures may not mean the same thing for two people belonging to different cultures. Others may look threatening when they are not. 

Learn how to deal with cultural aspects, religious aspects, nutrition, childbirth, mourning, and many other key aspects and provide better care to your patients/clients!

Who is this webinar for?

Whether you are a student, a medical interpreter, or a member of the healthcare staff at your hospital/health center and you wish to better understand the patients you see every day, this webminar is for you!

Webinar delivery

The webinar will be recorded and you will be granted lifetime access to the recording and extra contents.

If you want to attend the live session, we recommend you to access the webinar via the webinar page on our platform.


Linguistic skills:
  • A good English level is required.

IT resources:
  • A computer with speakers as well as a stable internet connection are necessary.

  • Life access to the recording of the webinar and extra contents when you acquire your place.

Pilar Moyano

Pilar is a sworn translator for the combination English-Spanish. She has a Degree in Translation and Interpreting and a Double Postgraduate Degree in Economics and Finance. She is currently studying a Bachelor’s Degree in Law.

She has worked as an in-house translator for a law firm and for a translation agency. She currently works as an in-house editor and translator for an investment bank and as a freelancer for many law firms and translation agencies.

Her main areas of expertise are legal and financial translations.

Additionally, from 2014 to 2017 she was the Coordinator of the Interpreting Service of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid through the non-profit organization Salud Entre Culturas.

She was also a lecturer for the Master’s Degree in Intercultural Communication, Translation and Community Interpreting of Universidad Alcalá de Henares.

Pilar is the co-author of a Guidebook, written in cooperation with the Madrid Society of Medicine and the Tropical Medicine Unit of the Ramón y Cajál Hospital, on the need to create an interpreting service at health centers and hospitals in Madrid.
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