It may seem surprising coming from us, but continuous professional development (CPD) doesn't only mean attending courses and webinars.
They are indeed the backbone of it, but CPD can also come in other forms, such as listening to podcasts, attending trade fairs, or following the right social media profiles.
That is why we started a series of blog posts that showcase the best localization professionals you should follow on social media if you want to boost your career in the translation industry.
Want to discover the 10 professionals who made it to the 2023 list?
Be ready to hit the 'Follow' button and let's get started!
1. Diego Perez
Does Final Fantasy VII: Remake ring any bell?
If the answer is yes (but even if it isn't!), you'll be impressed to know Diego Perez is behind its localization for +85 million Brazilian Portuguese-speaking gamers.
Other than being a game localization wizard, Diego Perez is also very active on LinkedIn, sharing inspiring content for freelance translators and game localization specialists.
From mental health advice to tips on how to build your client base, everything Diego shares is pure gold, including his brand new newsletter The WonderLoc.
Pro tip: All game localization wizards have their beginnings.
If you dream of localizing games professionally or to expand the services you offer, Diego’s expert course on Game Localization is for you.
2. David García Ruiz
David García Ruiz is an SEO content writer, Spanish-to-English SEO translator and content strategist.
Here are a couple of good reasons:
- He is consistently sharing helpful advice on SEO updates and AI-generated content creation
- As a big believer in learning by doing, he's sharing what he's learning from his SEO side project.
Pro tip: David is also an excellent teacher.
Join the 3rd edition of our best-selling SEO & SEA Localization and Content Creation Expert course to find it out first hand!
3. Rita Prazeres Gonçalves
Rita Prazeres Gonçalves is the founder and host of The Language Worker, a space where translators, content creators, writers, vocal coaches, and teachers are invited to talk about their love for languages and how their language knowledge has shaped their lives and careers.
If listening to podcasts is your favorite CPD method, you can’t miss out on it.
Pro tip: If you’re looking for +70 audio interviews with top-notch language professionals...
Grab your headphones and listen to TranslaStars’ podcast
4. Marjolein Thickett
Looking for inspiring content on how to get through the ups-and-downs of freelance life?
Marjolein Thickett’s LinkedIn profile is the best place to find just that.
A short selection of her best advice on:
- How to help a struggling language professional
- How to unlock the LinkedIn algorithm when you’re a freelancer
- Why you shouldn’t try to be ‘too professional’
5.Víctor Parra
With an extensive background in technology-driven translation, Víctor Parra is a Senior Localization Engineer at TransPerfect.
If you’re a tech-savvy localization professional, his LocEngineering LinkedIn newsletter is your go-to place for accessible tips and tricks.
Pro tip: Want to know more about the day-to-day life of a Localization Engineer?
You can read more about his career journey in our blog post 10 positions in the translation industry to boost your career.
6. Maria Virgínia Barros
Are you a subtitling expert looking for professional advice and updates?
From quoting advice to text reduction tricks, her profile is a goldmine for useful and actionable subtitling insights.
Pro tip: If you want to become a professional subtitler, expand your services, or do well in the subtitle market...
Subtitling: A Comprehensive Course is what you’re looking for.
7. Alessandro Cattelan
Alessandro Cattelan is the Chief Operating Officer of Translated.
In 2011, he contributed to the creation of Matecat, one of the first online assisted translation tools, and in 2014, he was instrumental in launching ModernMT, the world's first adaptive machine translation system.
In 2011, he contributed to the creation of Matecat, one of the first online assisted translation tools, and in 2014, he was instrumental in launching ModernMT, the world's first adaptive machine translation system.
On his LinkedIn profile, you will find useful insight on career growth, AI and language diversity in the translation industry.
8. Giulia Traditi
Want to future-proof your career in the localization industry?
Start following localization futurists like Giulia Tarditi, Head of Global Experience at Qualtrics and Board member of the EU Commission's think-tank on translation.
“Localization career paths will go two ways - progressively more technical (see the rise of the super segment, etc) or more strategic/holistic/leadership and mindset driven. This will likely call for two subsets of professionals, at least on the buyer-side front. I think we each need to reflect where we want to be and become more intentional in our career choices and in how we drive our organizations so that what we are doing now takes us every day closer to where we're headed”.
Food for thought, huh?
Pro tip: Broaden your horizons and seize the most promising career opportunities in the industry ...
...with the second edition of our 4-week Online Localization Management Program.
9. Marco Trombetti
“Generative AI is not an artist. It is a sophisticated chisel and the engineer is the manufacturer of this incredible chisel. By understanding and experimenting with the new chisel *you* have the opportunity to become a new artist”.
If you want hot takes on AI’s impact on the translation industry, Translated CEO’s LinkedIn profile is a must.
Fun fact: if you are an ocean lover, on Marco Trombetti’s profile you’ll also find inspiring pictures of his Cape2Rio sailing race.
10.Carmen Cisneros
Are you a vendor manager yourself or a language professional interested in this field?
Then you should absolutely connect with Carmen Cisneros, experienced vendor manager and Mentoring and Education Manager for Women in Localization UK.
A showcase of her best LinkedIn articles: