WiT Calendar

Don't miss any round and game of the WiT!
Check our calendar for information about dates and times.

Here you will also find the recordings in case you missed them.
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International Friendly Game
(Italy vs Spain)

31 JANuary - 18.00 CET
2 of the best professionals in the industr showed their best skills to win this friendly game: Italy vs. Spain
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International Friendly Game
(Italy vs Spain)

24 JANuary - 19.00 CET
Top 3 Localization professionals competed to become the best in this friendly game,
Italy vs. Spain
Write your awesome label here.

Inernational Friendly Game
(Germany vs Spain)

11 JANuary - 18.00 CET

1st International Friendly Game where we showed you how WiT works.

Germany vs Spain.
Watch the video and discover who won this epic game!
04 February - Sunday

WiT Presentation
& Battle Royale I

WiT Presentation and the first of our Battle Royale live on TranslaStars' Twitch Channel.
Follow us now so you don't miss anything!
11 February - Sunday - 22.00 CET

Battle Royale II

Second edition of our Battle Royale with only 300 teams. 
Follow us now so you don't miss anything!
18 February - Sunday - 20.00 

Round of 16

Only 16 teams have survived and will do everything for the translation glory.
Follow us now so you don't miss anything!
25 February - Sunday - 20.00 

Quarter Finals

8 of the best teams closer the translation glory.
Watch the Quarter Finals
 on TranslaStars' Twitch Channel.
Follow us now so you don't miss anything!
2 MARCH - SATURDAY - 22.00 

Semi Finals

Only 4 teams remaining!
Watch the last step to the final
 on TranslaStars' Twitch Channel.
Follow us now so you don't miss anything!
3 MARCH - SUNDAY - 22.00 


Only 1 WiT Champion for the translation glory!
Watch the WiT Final
 on TranslaStars' Twitch Channel.
Follow us now so you don't miss anything!
Follow us on TWITCH

Don't miss a thing!

All games will take place live on TranslaStars' Twitch Channel. Follow us now so you don't miss anything!

Buy Questions, Answers & More

Increase your chances to win other teams by getting access before the rest to the questions and answers.

Do you want to skip the first Battle Royale Round or go directly to the Round of 16? Buy your place now!
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