Terms and Conditions
For Universities, Schools and Associations Subscription Plans
Updated: 25/04/2022
Course Conditions for TranslaStars.COM
General TranslaStar's terms and conditions apply except stated otherwise.
Rights and general conditions
1. The following are the courses that students enrolled in the Universities, Schools and Associations Subscription Plans are entitled to take:
- Premium Plan: it offers unlimited access on our .COM platform to all TranslaStars courses, webinars, workshops, and interviews during 1 year.
2. Universities, Schools and Associations have the right to cancel at any time.
3. Students are entitled to receive a certificate of completion for their courses (provided that they have completed all course content and have completed the assigned tasks/activities).
4. Plan subscription will be renewed automatically with the periodicity specified on the plan description page and buyers will be charged the price stated on that page or the price agreed between the parts.
5. Universities, Schools and Associations have the right to access all TranslaStars' courses paying just €10 per student per year. The minimum number of students (or licenses needed to be purchased) to be eligible for this plan is 100 and there is not a maximum number of licenses they can purchase. The licenses last for 1 year and if they are not used they are lost after the 1st year (for example, if an institution purchases 100 licenses and during the first year only 50 licenses are used, the other 50 cannot be carried to the following year).
6. Universities, Schools and Associations have the right to enroll and unenroll students twice a year without any cost (enrollments outside this period have a cost of €10 per student enrolled and unenrolled).
7. Localization Management Academy or TranslaStars' University courses are not part of TranslaStars' courses and there are thus not part of this plan. Courses created by other learning platforms are not considered TranslaStars' courses either (even if sold on our platform). However, agreements between TranslaStars and institutions can be made to include all courses.
5. Universities, Schools and Associations have the right to access all TranslaStars' courses paying just €10 per student per year. The minimum number of students (or licenses needed to be purchased) to be eligible for this plan is 100 and there is not a maximum number of licenses they can purchase. The licenses last for 1 year and if they are not used they are lost after the 1st year (for example, if an institution purchases 100 licenses and during the first year only 50 licenses are used, the other 50 cannot be carried to the following year).
6. Universities, Schools and Associations have the right to enroll and unenroll students twice a year without any cost (enrollments outside this period have a cost of €10 per student enrolled and unenrolled).
7. Localization Management Academy or TranslaStars' University courses are not part of TranslaStars' courses and there are thus not part of this plan. Courses created by other learning platforms are not considered TranslaStars' courses either (even if sold on our platform). However, agreements between TranslaStars and institutions can be made to include all courses.
Obligations applicable to all plans and courses
1. Students will behave in accordance with basic standards of behaviour at all times and will respect the opinions of their peers and tutors. Failure by a student to comply with these terms may result in the cancellation of their subscription without the right to financial compensation or a partial or full refund.
2. Students agree not to distribute to third parties in any way and by any means or channel the contents of the courses and/or projects assigned to them (students may publicize that they are carrying out a particular project, but not share its contents).
3. Time for course completion: TranslaStars does not set deadlines for course completion in subscription plans.
4. Students agree not to share, rent, sell, lend, or provide personal access to their subscription plan (in whole or in part). Failure to comply with this point will result in the cancellation of the student account and termination of the subscription plan for the universitiy, school or association without any financial compensation from TranslaStars. TranslaStars also reserves the right to take legal action for failure to comply with this point.
5. Licenses in this plan cannot be passed to different people than those requested by the university, school or association.
6. All refunds (whether on courses or plans of any type) have a 10% charge over the price paid to cover for the expenses of the refund operation (payment gateways charge us for sales and refunds).
7. TranslaStars has no obligation to return the amount paid for this subscription plan after the subscription has been automatically renewed (in the case of monthly or yearly subscriptions). 14 day trial period is not appliable to renewals.
8. TranslaStars has the right to discontinue offering and cancelling this plan (not offering a renewal).
5. Licenses in this plan cannot be passed to different people than those requested by the university, school or association.
6. All refunds (whether on courses or plans of any type) have a 10% charge over the price paid to cover for the expenses of the refund operation (payment gateways charge us for sales and refunds).
7. TranslaStars has no obligation to return the amount paid for this subscription plan after the subscription has been automatically renewed (in the case of monthly or yearly subscriptions). 14 day trial period is not appliable to renewals.
8. TranslaStars has the right to discontinue offering and cancelling this plan (not offering a renewal).
1. Discounts are not applied retroactively.
2. TranslaStars promotions are not applicable to this plan.
2. TranslaStars promotions are not applicable to this plan.
1. TranslaStars has the right to modify the points of this document without prior notice. In any case, the conditions accepted by the student at the time of purchase of a subscription plan will be respected.
2. TranslaStars is not responsible for the contents published by its collaborators in any of its courses or social networks. In the event that any natural or legal person identifies that any type of right is infringed or that the content may be offensive, TranslaStars undertakes to remove such content as soon as possible. All content used and/or uploaded to TranslaStars is for educational purposes only.
3. TranslaStars has the right to modify, suspend, discontinue, discontinue, close, open, create courses, and/or subscription plans without prior notice to students. TranslaStars undertakes in any case to respect the conditions accepted by the students.
4. In case TranslaStars went out of business for any unfortunate reason, the amount paid in the subscription plan is considred to be covered after 6 months. In case business ceased before 6 months after a subsription plan had been acquired TranslaStars will return half the amount paid in this plan.
Conditions for the refund of the plans fees
1. You have 14 days from the day you purchase this plan to decide whether you want to start it or if you prefer to be refunded the amount you paid for the plan.
2. After 14 days from your purchase or in case any students has completed one course, there will be no possibility of refunding the fee you have paid for the plan.
3. All refunds (whether on courses or plans of any type) have a 10% charge over the price paid to cover for the expenses of the refund operation (payment systems charge us for sales and refunds).
3. All refunds (whether on courses or plans of any type) have a 10% charge over the price paid to cover for the expenses of the refund operation (payment systems charge us for sales and refunds).
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